
Nice tools

Found some nice tools at Peter Maurers site

These tools include (amongst others):
  • Butler: Lets you create various kinds of menus and triggers. See the site for more information, it seems it can do a lot.
  • Service Scrubber: Wouldn't the services menu be much more useful if it weren't overcrowded by services you never even thought of using? With Service Scrubber, you can
  • Witch: Have you ever wanted to switch to a certain window — not just the application it belongs to? While you can use Exposé to switch windows, doing so can be very clumsy if you're the keyboard-only type of user. And don't all of these windows look just the same when they are scaled down?
  • FileList: File List is a batch file renamer, and a playlist generator.
(Texts in italic are from Peter Maurers site)

Also found a nice tool for people like me who miss Unix-style Virtual Desktops. It's called Desktop Manager and the screenshots and movies look nice...

Didn't try them yet...

By the way, I swapped my VGA cable for a good quality one. My shadow problems are mostly gone. Should really order that DVI<->HDMI cable soon. But the current connection is good enough for now.

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