
So I bought one...

Went to the store yesterday evening. They only have standard models (with 512 MB Ram) in stock. They can do the upgrade to 1GB in their store, but then you're left with two (almost) useless 256MB modules. So I went home...

This morning, I decided to simply purchase the basic Core Duo model and upgrade later. Currently the upgrade costs about 100 Euro's from the Apple Store. Buying 1GB of upgrade memory from Kingston seperately costs about 160 Euros. I hope the prices of this kind of memory fall rapidly. I'll upgrade then.

So I bought one! Took the box to work and unpacked it there. Lot's of curious (maybe a little jealous?) colleagues followed my first steps in to the real Mac world. Not counting some experience with OS/X on a Dell Latitude laptop. Not mine of course. No sir!

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